It's hard to be a woman. This sentence is probably the greatest understatement I'll ever make, but the truth behind it can be proven through history and time. Todays society offers us so much opportunity, but the pressures that are placed on women's shoulders are overwhelming, and at times, unbearable. When I write a post, I am taking time to reflect on the things in my life that I enjoy, but are not always a priority. Music, fashion, makeup, and art are all faucets of inspiration for Janey and I, as we hope they are for our followers. I believe for us women to be successful, it is important to tune in to what inspires us so we can lead happier and healthier lives. Do not give in to societies pressures, but instead create your own path. Creativity breeds creativity. Take time out of your busy schedule to indulge in the things that make you feel happy. Create balance in your life by pursuing your strengths and passions.
But most of all, allow yourself to be free from perceived pressures. It's your life!
terrific commentary on being a women. loved the "tuning in to what inspires us" and "create your own path". very inspirational!