The 10 Skin Commandments
Ladies, treat yourself in 2011 and take care of your skin. Below are the 10 Commandments to beautify your skin inside and out.
1.) Drink Water
You've probably heard it a million times, but drinking H20 is more beneficial than just quenching your thirst. It hydrates skin from the inside out! Be sure to drink 6-8 glasses a day.
2.) Wear Sunscreen
Even during the winter months, harmful UV Rays can still penetrate skin. Choose a daily moisturizer with at least spf 15.
3.) ALWAYS Wash Makeup Off Before Bed
While your body is recharging during sleep, it is also regenerating your outer layer of skin. Wearing makeup to bed doesn't allow your skin to breathe properly, causing clogged pores. Make a promise to yourself that no matter how late you get home, you will always wash and moisturize before bed.
4.) Exfoliate Once a Week
It's important to exfoliate once a week; no more, no less. Exfoliating helps to remove dull, dead skin. Overdoing it can lead to irritation and inflamed skin. Be sure to pick a scrub that is not too harsh, but abrasive enough to leave skin feeling smooth.
5.) Eat a Healthy Diet
Our skin is the largest organ and is a direct reflection of what's going on with our health. By eating healthy foods, we can have a positive impact on how our skin appears. Healthy fats such as Salmon, Almonds, and Avocado are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, and are super-foods for glowing skin.
6.) Go Easy on the Alcohol & Cigarettes
Alcohol is a diuretic, and therefore dehydrates you. Try to minimize alcoholic intake to 2-3 glasses per week. If you're planning on having more, be sure to always have a glass of water with you, and drink as much of it as you are of your beverage. If you find yourself feeling under the weather the next morning, be sure to continue drinking water. Chicken stock and bananas are also quick hangover cures as they replace the sodium and potassium you lost from constant trips to the bathroom (constant urinating...hopefully not the alternative). Lastly, I'm not going to name all the reasons why you shouldn't smoke. Just don't do it.
7.) Wash Once a Day
Over-washing can irritate the skin. Make sure to wash your face once a day with an appropriate cleanser for your skintype. Otherwise, rinse with refreshing cold water. If you find your skin gets oily throughout the day, consider using a primer in the morning, a moisturizer that works with oily skin, and some blotting papers.
8.) Dry Lips
During the dry winter months, it is imperative to keep lips moisturized. Apply a lip balm first thing in the morning, and continue applying when necessary throughout the day. Use a product that isn't sticky, and has [at least] spf 15. Another tip is to once a week take your toothbrush, wet the tip and GENTLY scrub lips to remove dead skin. Apply lip balm immediately after.
9.) Leave That Zit Alone
I know, they are nasty little suckers, but we are all human and all breakout occasionally. Be sure not to pick or pop as it may leave scaring on the delicate middle layer of your skin. Always keep a spoon in your freezer to apply to a pimple to calm the redness. Lastly, apply a moisturizer or a concealer with 0.5% salicylic acid to the culprit.
10.) A Day of Rest
It's important to give skin a breather, so pick one day a week that you can allow your skin some breathing time. No foundation, concealer, mascara, or gloss. Just moisturizer and lip balm. Even if it's just for a morning or afternoon, giving your skin a break is a great, beneficial idea.